Tabular Synthetic Data Generation

We can help you provide solution for tabular synthetic data. Synthetic data is the data that is synthetically created, typically by applying Artificial Intelligence. It is very similar to the real data and mirrors the statistical properties of the real data. Synthetic data is a close proxy for the real data as it has the same patterns and correlations.

Synthetic data is generated from scratch, typically with the help of AI technology such as GAN. Using adversarial learning, GAN model is trained to learn all the structures and patterns in the real data.

Our Services:

  1. We can engage with you to understand your data issues and tabular synthetic data requirements.

  2. We can provide consultancy to draw a strategic roadmap for meeting your tabular synthetic data requirements.

  3. We provide customized solutions for tabular synthetic data generation with high degree of accuracy.

  4. We provide you with the flexibility to choose the number of synthetic data records to generate. There is technically no upper bound on the synthetic data we can generate.

  5. We provide you with the choice of add-on features in synthetic data such as fairness, data imbalance handling etc.

  6. We provide you with detailed validation reports that can be used to validate our high-quality synthetic data.